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Vintage Gas Pump Restoration

The Garage

Unless you're from Vegreville, you probably don't know the history of 'The Garage Inc'.

Most residents know it as the old funeral home. Which is confusing unless they ALSO know that before a Funeral home it was a Shell Service Station (which is even more confusing when you think about it...)

At any rate, it was pretty much decided from the beginning that we'd be converting the old ‘chapel’ into a showroom and the parking stalls into a car lot. What better to showcase vintage cars than to give the building the old 'shell' throwback?

Mac-and-cheese yellow, red and white would be our main colours. We gave the building a paintjob and a new roof...but we were missing some quintessential pieces to grab that “old school” feel.

Until now.

We tracked down these gas pumps from some friends of ours…of course they won’t be operational, but we are pretty amped up on how cool they are going to look out front!

In our excitement we didn’t get very good “before” photos (still new at the blogging thing) but we have some progress pics as well as a cool photo of the “guts”. They just don’t make’em like that anymore!

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